Tuesday, 18 August 2015


RAZAK (bukan nama sebenar) akan bersara pada tahun hadapan. Dia risau dengan jumlah hutang tertunggak dengan bank beberapa tahun ini.

Razak yang bekerja sebagai guru besar di salah sebuah sekolah di Pahang sejak lebih 20 tahun dahulu Razak juga menghidap penyakit diabetes dan darah tinggi.

Sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, dia asyik menggunakan kad kreditnya untuk membiayai perubatannya dan menampung pembelajaran dua anaknya di institusi pengajian tinggi.

Dia juga menanggung dua cucunya yang masih kecil kerana seorang lagi anaknya baru sahaja bercerai dan tidak bekerja. Isterinya pula suri rumah sepenuh masa.

Razak sudah tidak membayar hutang kad kreditnya selama hampir dua tahun. Dia mempunyai dua kad kredit yang masing-masing mempunyai jumlah tertunggak sebanyak RM20,000 dan RM 29,000.

Lebih memeritkan lagi, Razak juga terpaksa membayar RM500 setiap bulan akibat menjadi penjamin kepada rakannya yang pernah membuat pinjaman dan diisytiharkan muflis.

Dengan pendapatan bulanan sebanyak RM8,000 sebulan, jumlah pencen yang bakal diterima dianggarkan sekitar RM 4,000 sebulan dan jumlah itu sudah tentu tidak mencukupi untuk membayar hutang kad kreditnya memandangkan taraf kesihatannya juga semakin merosot.

Dia juga mengakui tidak mempunyai simpanan kerana kesemua simpanannya digunakan untuk membayar yuran pengajian anak-anaknya di universiti.

Pada satu hari, ketika Razak menghadiri taklimat anjuran majikannya, pihak penganjur menjemput penceramah daripada AKPK untuk memberi penerangan mengenai pengurusan kewangan peribadi.

Melalui taklimat inilah Razak mula mengetahui mengenai AKPK dan berhajat untuk ke pejabat AKPK bagi mendapatkan bantuan.

Kaunselor AKPK membantunya dengan membuat pelan pembayaran untuk kad kreditnya dengan jumlah yang dipersetujui pihak bank dan mampu dibayar.

Sebagai tambahan, kaunselor AKPK mencadangkannya supaya menasihati anaknya supaya mencari pekerjaan agar dapat membantu.

Dengan keadaan sedikit lega, Razak dapat menghembus nafas lega. Cuma apa yang dikesalkannya adalah mungkin tidak dapat menikmati kehidupan persaraan dengan selesa akibat daripada kesilapan yang dilakukan ini....

Friday, 7 August 2015

Poultry veterinarians in Malaysia

The poultry industry is a highly complex food-animal production system. Its success is dependent upon sophisticated techniques and systems to ensure disease prevention and product quality. Poultry veterinarians play a key role in the overall business and are typically the only individuals within poultry companies who are involved in the entire production process, including production management, health management, product quality, nutrition, and economics. Preparing veterinarians to work effectively in the poultry industry can no longer be accomplished within the DVM instructional program. Post-DVM training programs specializing in poultry medicine are now producing the veterinarians entering the poultry industry. Regionalization of training in poultry medicine has already taken place. These training programs are very important to food animal production in Malaysia; in the future, they must be nurtured and supported in order to remain able to supply the veterinary workforce for our dynamic poultry industry. Dr. Bahsha 6.8.2015 Malaysia.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Why German work fewer hours but produce more?

When many Americans think of Germany, images of WWII soldiers and Hitler often come to mind. But what many people don’t realize is that Germany is the industrial powerhouse of Europe, and is a leading manufacturer of goods for export to developing Asian nations. We don’t hear about the superiority of German engineering in Volkswagen commercials for nothing! The economic engine of the EU, Germany single-handedly saved the Eurozone from collapse in 2012. At the same time, German workers enjoy unparalleled worker protections and shorter working hours than most of their global counterparts. How can a country that works an average of 35 hours per week (with an average 24 paid vacation days to boot) maintain such a high level of productivity? Working Hours Mean Working Hours In German business culture, when an employee is at work, they should not be doing anything other than their work. Facebook, office gossip with co-workers, trolling Reddit for hours, and pulling up a fake spreadsheet when your boss walks by are socially unacceptable behaviors. Obviously, in the United States these behaviors are frowned up on by management. But in Germany, there is zero tolerance among peers for such frivolous activities. In the BBC documentary “Make Me A German“, a young German woman explained her culture shock while on a working exchange to the UK. “I was in England for an exchange… I was in the office and the people are talking all the time about their private things… ‘What’s the plan for tonight?’, and all the time drinking coffee…” She was quite surprised by the casual nature of British workers. Upon further discussion, the Germans reveal that Facebook is not allowed in the office whatsoever, and no private email is permitted. Goal-Oriented, Direct Communication Is Valued German business culture is one of intense focus and direct communication. While Americans tend to value small talk and maintaining an upbeat atmosphere, Germans rarely beat around the bush. German workers will directly speak to a manager about performance reviews, launch into a business meeting without any ‘icebreakers’, and use commanding language without softening the directives with polite phrases.Whereas an American would say, “It would be great if you could get this to me by 3pm,” a German would say, “I need this by 3pm”. When a German is at work, they are focused and diligent, which in turn leads to higher productivity in a shorter period of time. Germans Have a Life Outside Work Germans work hard and play hard. Since the working day is focused on delivering efficient productivity, the off hours are truly off hours. Because of the focused atmosphere and formal environment of German businesses, employees don’t necessarily hang out together after work. Germans generally value a separation between private life and working life. The German government is currently considering a ban on work-related emails after 6pm, to counter the accessibility that smartphones and constant connectivity give employers to their employees. Can you imagine President Obama enacting such a policy in the United States? To occupy their plentiful Freizeit, most Germans are involved in Verein (clubs); regularly meeting others with shared interests in their community. Common interests in Germany include Sportvereine (sports clubs), Gesangvereine (choirs or singing clubs), Musikvereine (music clubs), Wandervereine (hiking clubs), Tierzuchtvereine (animal breeding clubs – generally rabbits/pigeons) and collectors’ clubs of all stripes. Even the smallest village in Germany will have several active Vereinen to accommodate residents’ interests. Rather than settling in for a night of TV after work, most Germans socialize with others in their community and cultivate themselves as people. Germans also enjoy a high number of paid vacation days, with many salaried employees receiving 25-30 paid days (the law requires 20). Extended holidays mean families can enjoy up to a month together, renting an apartment by the seaside or taking a long trip to a new, exciting city. Business Respects Parenthood Germany’s system of Elternzeit (“parent time” or parental leave) is the stuff of fantasy for most working Americans. The United States does not currently have laws requiring maternity leave, while Germany has some of the most extensive parental protection policies in the developed world. The downside of these maternity leave benefits is that employers may avoid hiring women (with the fear that they will take advantage of the extensive benefits), and German boardrooms are consistently male-dominated at a higher rate than other developed nations, although the government is working to eradicate this trend. The financial benefits of staying home (from both Elternzeit and Elterngeld or parents’ money programs) are often too good to pass up for German mothers, and can lead to stagnant or non-existent careers. Since “at will” employment does not exist in Germany, all employees have contracts with their employer. Parents who have been gainfully employed for the previous 12 months are eligible for Elternzeit benefits, which include up to three years of unpaid leave with a “sleeping” contract. The employee is eligible to work part-time up to 30 hours while on leave, and must be offered full-time employment at the conclusion of the parental leave. Parents may also choose to postpone up to one year of their leave until the child’s 8th birthday. Either parent is eligible for parental leave, and many couples make the choice based on financial considerations. In addition to the preservation of the employee’s contract, the state will pay up 67% of the employee’s salary (with a cap of 1800 Euros per month) for 14 months. Parents may split the 14 months however they choose. These benefits apply equally to same-sex couples. Put Some German In Your Office The German work culture is very different from the average American office, but there are certainly lessons to be learned from our German counterparts. The diligent focus Germans bring to their working life is to be admired. Separating work from play can help us lead a more balanced life; putting the phone down after hours gives us a mental break from stressing about work, and we can return to the office refreshed in the morning. When it’s time to get something done, closing Facebook and turning off push notifications helps keep our minds quiet and the flow steady. Direct conversation can lead to increased efficiency, and more clarity of communication among team members. Americans often equate longer hours with increased production and superior work ethic, but examining the German model makes one wonder: When it comes to time at work, maybe less really is more!

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Revolusi telegram messenger

1 ogos 2015 Revolusi Telegram Bismillah irRahman irRahim. Assalamualaikum pembuka simpulan madah perkongsian ilmu yang sedikit sebanyak bermanfaat kepada seluruh umat manusia hendaknya. Rasanya dewasa ini kita sedia maklum bahawa kehadiran lambakan aplikasi pesanan ringkas , dari WhatsApp Messenger sehinggalah ke Blackberry Messenger . Dari Wechat sehinggalah ke LINE sebagai pengganti kepada sistem pesanan ringkas SMS dan panggilan suara yang amat penting dalam perhubungan jarak jauh antara anak dan ibunya, isteri dan suaminya, kekasih dah buah hatinya, bahkan ianya tidak terbatas sekadar batasan geografi dan garis jalur politikal buat para penduduk planet ketiga dalam galaksi bima sakti yang tercinta ini. Namun begitu, racikan dan repekan kali ini bukanlah berkisar tentang WhatsApp Messenger atau aplikasi sezaman dengannya, tetapi lebih kepada Telegram, satu buah tangan terbaik dari syarikat Telegram LLC buat penggemar aplikasi seperti WhatsApp Messenger. Beberapa kelebihan Telegram yang ternyata selangkah ke hadapan mendahului WhatsApp dari beberapa sudut pandang yang akan membariskan Telegram duduk sama tinggi dan berdiri sama rendah aplikasi ternama lainnya. Sebelum saya melalut dan ke laut lebih jauh lagi, di sini saya sertakan sedikit sebanyak deskripsi tentang Telegram yang insyaAllah bakal menarik minat pembaca setia OMGH antaranya ; 1. Rahsia dan Selamat. Aplikasi kegemaran ramai, WhatsApp sedikit terkebelakangan dari sudut ini dengan hadirnya aplikasi WhatsApp Sniffer yang menunjukkan setiap apa yang anda bualkan boleh dihidu oleh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab. Tetapi tidak Telegram, setiap butir rangkaian mesej Telegram anda sangat terenkripsi dan berupaya untuk self-destruct bagi mengelakkan ianya dari diakses pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab insyAllah . Seperti yang tertera pada rajah di sebelah, beberapa ciri ciri keselamatan disediakan kepada pengguna Telegram berbanding WhatsApp. Seperti tertera pada rajah, ini adalah satu berita menggembirakan, Telegram mampu menampung sehingga 200 pengguna dalam satu kumpulan berbanding hanya 50 bagi servis yang sama yang disediakan oleh pihak WhatsApp. 3. Cloud-Based. Tidak cuma seperti WhatsApp yang hanya boleh diakses pada satu peranti dalam satu masa, dengan Telegram anda boleh mengakses pesanan anda melalui beberapa peranti. 4. Percuma. Berbanding WhatsApp yang hanya percuma kepada pengguna untuk tahun pertama penggunaan, anda tidak perlu lagi bimbang tentang kos penyelenggaraan kerana Telegram menyediakan perkhidmatannya dengan percuma selamanya dan tiada caj bulanan. 5. Berkuasa. Dengan Telegram, anda tidak lagi perlu menyunting video dan gambar yang ingin dihantar. Telegram menyediakan perkhidmatan ini dengan fail bersaiz sehingga 1Gb. 6. Mesra pengguna. Rujuk rajah betapa gembiranya pengguna Telegram dengan servis yang disediakan. Cukup sampai disini ceritera tentang Telegram Messenger dan beberapa ciri ciri termasuk kelebihan Telegram berbanding aplikasi gergasi sedia ada, WhatsApp Messenger khasnya..

Bengkel APAC - GEG Asia- Pacific Connect

 Sertai bengkel teknologi pendidikan selama tiga hari anjuran GEG Asia- Pacific Connect yang akan berlangsung dalam pelbagai bahasa di Asia-...